Share the Love

Valentine’s Day is the perfect time to show your loved ones near and far just how special they are. It’s also a great time to reflect on the love you show yourself, and the many health benefits of having Hilliard Studio Method in your active lifestyle. We’ve even thrown in a bonus ten-minute routine that will help you show your sweetheart you care, and have long-term positive health benefits!

10 Minutes to be Toned + Confident for Your Valentine

1. High plank with feet apart, heavy weight rows (10 reps)

2. High plank tricep kickbacks (10 reps)

3. 10 pushups

4. Walking tabletop flying leg lifts (10 reps)

Repeat sequence three to five times.

Heart Health

We’re aware of aerobic exercise’s heart-health benefits, but new research from Johns Hopkins University tells us that adding resistance training and flexibility/balance work to your weekly routine can help boost these results. The most wonderful part? Hilliard Studio Method combines all of these exercises into one hour-long class, so you can get your workout in, and get on with your busy day!

Mental Health

You’ve heard us say it time and again, exercise your body to exercise your brain. The mental health benefits of a strengthening, mind-body workout like HSM will help you have a more stable relationship with the ones you love. According to the Anxiety and Depression Association of America, “studies show that [exercise] is very effective at reducing fatigue, improving alertness and concentration, and at enhancing overall cognitive function. This can be especially helpful when stress has depleted your energy or ability to concentrate.”
So it’s a balancing act; just as all things are. If you’re in need of stress relief, the best place to start is HSM. Whether you’re in our studio or streaming from anywhere, the results will be evident in your happier, healthier life!

Book A Class

Hilliard Studio Method group classes are designed to be taken on a regular, best case daily, basis. Each class is different from the day before, utilizing a variety of powerful movements and workout tools. Classes available at our Myers Park location in Charlotte, NC.

Stream A Workout

Workout anywhere with Hilliard Studio Method! Our collection of streaming videos and DVDs range in difficulty from beginner to advanced with options from 10 minutes to 60 minutes. Be Powerful with HSM and transform your body no matter where you are.

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