Spice up your Holidays with nutmeg, a calm, soothing spice!
Nutmeg comes from the fruit of a tall evergreen in Indonesia. Its enticing aroma and aphrodisiac properties has made the spice a popular ingredient in holiday desserts and drinks and has been used for its health benefits for many centuries.
In small doses, nutmeg can aid digestion and ease nausea, boost brain activity to improve memory, relieve muscle and joint pain and aid insomnia. This is because nutmeg improved blood circulation in the body, helping to stimulate the brain and organs, increases serotonin levels and has anti-inflammatory properties to relive pain.
However, in large quantities, it tends to have the reverse effect and can cause stomach issues and delirium. So keep a light hand and enjoy some calm amidst the holiday chaos by adding a dash to some warm milk before bed. Sweet dreams!