
Hilliard Studio Method

Wow, what an impactful Wellness Seminar! I signed up because all things “nutrition” pique my interest, but didn’t expect to come away feeling so energized. I’ve been focused on eating real, clean food for years, but recently I had become a bit bored with my food. As a result, some of my clean eating habits had started to fray at the edges (ahem, sugar). Since the seminar, I have made some adjustments to my diet and have noticed physical changes. More importantly though, I’m re-engaged in the journey to incorporate even more whole, protein-packed foods into my diet because doing so makes me feel better. Liz gave us a bunch of great meal and snack ideas, but she also reinforced the importance of simply learning to love foods that our bodies love, and that just makes so much sense to me. Thanks for another hour well spent, albeit with no plank, at your studio.

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