
Hilliard Studio Method

I just wanted to send you a quick note to thank you for changing my life! I really don’t want to sound corny here but I HAVE to share this with you all because I am bursting at the seams! I just want to quickly share what I have been experiencing since I took on your fitness challenge on February 1. Let me preface by saying that I have NEVER worked out like this. Historically, my only kind of exercise was a bit of yoga and walking on a treadmill at a fast pace. I am sad to confess that I had never done a push up off of my knees before or a plank (hardest thing EVER).
I am 48 years old and up until last year I have always weighed 125 lbs. I’ve gained 20 lbs in last 18 months. A very stressful family event was the main contributor. I am sure pre-menopause has something to do with it as well.
Since February 1st, I have completed 18 or 19 Hilliard workouts. I’ve yet to be able to complete a full class. But I want you to know that I am working so hard! I really am trying. Please don’t get mad at me if I leave class early. I am listening to my body and I stop when I feel I’ve reached my limit. I never thought I would say this: I am addicted to your workouts!

I am very happy to report that I have lost 5 lbs. My saddle bags are almost gone in just five weeks!! I am so much stronger! My husband told me that he is seeing changes in my body including more defined shoulders. But the two biggest changes have been a much clearer mind and CONSIDERABLY reduced back pain! I’ve been struggling with lower back pain for about 14 years now. I’ve tried everything: yoga, massage therapy, acupuncture, etc… NOTHING worked for me. Somehow now my back just doesn’t hurt nearly as much. It has been a total life-changer! I just can’t believe it!

I still have a big stomach to lose but I am sure it will come off with time. I have told everyone about your studio. I convinced my friend Janine to come to class and now she is hooked too! I can’t wait to get strong enough to try the megaformer and bring my hubby on a date night!

Thank you to ALL of you! For everything! I have never ever felt so welcome in an exercise setting before. You have all been so sweet and supportive and so helpful in making sure I am exercising with proper form. You are all so incredibly inspirational! Thank you for taking me in!

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