The New York Times Well Blog has reported an observational link between low Vitamin D and Alzheimer’s Disease or dementia. Those with lower levels of Vitamin D – 25-50 – were 53-69% more likely to develop either dementia or Alzheimer’s Disease. In addition to this nutritional component, we have also reported on the importance of exercise in protecting the brain while aging. You can read the health tip here.

The Take-away? Safely get some sun and get moving to stay sharp as you age!

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Hilliard Studio Method group classes are designed to be taken on a regular, best case daily, basis. Each class is different from the day before, utilizing a variety of powerful movements and workout tools. Classes available at our Myers Park location in Charlotte, NC.

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Workout anywhere with Hilliard Studio Method! Our collection of streaming videos and DVDs range in difficulty from beginner to advanced with options from 10 minutes to 60 minutes. Be Powerful with HSM and transform your body no matter where you are.

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