A Note from Liz on Results + HSM

I created Hilliard Studio Method as a results-driven workout. When I was no longer seeing the change in my body that I wanted to from my traditional Pilates workout that I loved, I knew that I needed to take my workouts to the next level for myself and my clients. At the same time my daughter, Clary, was frustrated that she was not toning and sculpting her physique from her six-day-a-week routine of running and yoga. I knew there had to be something better, so I started doing research and created what is now Hilliard Studio Method. A small group of us started trying my new workout, and I was surprised to find that we all saw results in a fairly short amount of time. This is when I knew I’d created something special! 

Nearly 10 years later, Clary and I continue to do Hilliard Studio Method five times per week because it works. And to be honest, it’s easy (to plan my workout – not the actual workout). I don’t need to juggle and schedule what day I am going to do cardio or stretch or strength train because HSM has it all. I just have to show up to class and work to my edge. I challenge my body with resistance, cardio and flexibility in each and every class. And most importantly? I still see the results!

If you feel like you have plateaued or if you feel bored with your routine, I challenge you to take Hilliard Studio Method 4-5 days a week. Consistently. I promise you will see and feel the results you are looking for.

Book A Class

Hilliard Studio Method group classes are designed to be taken on a regular, best case daily, basis. Each class is different from the day before, utilizing a variety of powerful movements and workout tools. Classes available at our Myers Park location in Charlotte, NC.

Stream A Workout

Workout anywhere with Hilliard Studio Method! Our collection of streaming videos and DVDs range in difficulty from beginner to advanced with options from 10 minutes to 60 minutes. Be Powerful with HSM and transform your body no matter where you are.

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