
Hilliard Studio Method

Hilliard Studio Method… where should I begin?? When asked by others who haven’t tried it, my response is, ‘there is simply nothing like it!’ I would know as I’ve tried just about every boutique-stylee fitness studio in the area and absolutely nothing has come close to my experience at Hilliard.

I gained 100 lbs during my pregnancy and working that weight off naturally was very difficult, taking almost 2 years. Since then I have been committed to fitness and my overall health and have constantly looked for new ways to continually challenge my body and my mind. HSM is the first workout that I feel truly does just that. There is nothing routine or monotonous about these workouts. Every day is different and every day is challenging.

I leave that studio feeling stronger and tighter than I felt walking in. My 4-5 day a week workouts have now become an absolute must for my routine. Besides the physical results I have seen (I went from a size 27 jean to a 26 in my first 2 weeks) the benefits of this method mentally are just as compelling and addicting. The ladies at Hilliard make it so easy for you to fall in love with this method of training. All of the trainers push you to your edge and support you thru the entire hour. I’ve never met such an enthused group of trainers that are so committed to each members’ personal success during those 60 minutes you are in the studio.

It doesn’t matter what fitness level you are… you will find that this workout, these ladies, and all the other people that come along with the HSM community are unparalleled to anything else you have ever done and experienced! It’s truly been the best investment I’ve ever made for my body and my mind and they will have me as a client for life.


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