
Hilliard Studio Method

When asked about my journey at Hilliard Studio Method Davidson, I flash back to the first few weeks of class. My journey began in late October 2016, soon after my two daughters left for college.  I was now an empty nester, looking for a new challenge and distraction!  I assumed that my active lifestyle would enable me to accomplish this new challenge without too much suffering. During this same time period, I squeezed in that dreaded yearly check up… the one you make yourself attend, but it’s always the same. You’re healthy, good blood work, see you next year.

Neither of these two things came to fruition. My first class at HSM Davidson was the single hardest physical challenge I had ever survived! The reality was that I had the strength of a wet spaghetti noodle. The blows just kept coming when the doctors’ office called to say I had an elevated A1C (the level of glucose in my blood) that was going to take a medication to fix.  At nearly 49, I am too young to accept medication as a solution and I had this recent discovery I was lacking in my physical fitness. All I could do was beg the doctor for time to deal with this on my own. He very reluctantly agreed. Clearly, my fall challenge was more challenging than I ever imagined!

So back to HSM I went! Liz Hilliard talks about “working to your edge” in her book “Be Powerful.”  My instructors in Davidson, Rebecca and Sara, talk about this in class. They have pushed me to an edge that I did not know existed. My single hardest physical challenge has turned into a weekly treat for myself. I cannot wait to get into the studio every Tuesday and Friday. Each week that edge changes, whether it is picking up heavier weights or holding a position 10 more seconds. It doesn’t take long to see results! I have a long way to go, but each week proves positive. Liz has a proven method. Rebecca and Sara have an unbeatable delivery! To Tara Masten Hughes (my niece, who is an HSM trainer at the Charlotte studio), thank you for the invitation to meet you for the Davidson class. You NEVER cease to amaze me!

Oh, and by the way…
The A1C re-test result was PERFECT!
The Doctors orders: “Whatever you are doing, don’t stop!”

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