
Hilliard Studio Method

I moved to Charlotte six years ago from Winston-Salem eager to make this city my home, which included finding an effective workout routine. I spent many of my first years here trying out a number of fitness options in Charlotte, including spinning, boot camp and circuit workouts, and other Barre/Pilates methods. None of these options, however, were delivering the results that I wanted. I was spending all too much time and money running from one workout studio to the next and, to be frank, I was growing tired and increasingly frustrated with the lack of results. I knew I needed to find a different workout routine to see the results I wanted.

After having lunch with a college friend and longtime Hilliard Studio Method devotee, Jane Claire Jacobi, and seeing how incredibly fit and toned she looked, I, without hesitation, decided to take her advice and give Hilliard Studio Method a try. Within just ten minutes into the warm-up of my first class with Clary, I knew HSM was different and exactly what I had been looking for. I was burning, breathless, sweating profusely and quivering – all in a good way. I was completely hooked.

Fast forward to 2015 and I am still completely hooked. I crave the workouts at HSM – especially the purple circle and advanced glider classes – and consistently work out at the studio 3-4 times a week. I genuinely look forward to waking up for the 5:45 AM weekday classes at which I can always count on the trainers to provide a killer workout to awesome music and serve up extra sets of pushups! In coupling the barre workouts that HSM offers with the new Megaformer workout at HSM Core, I’ve found the perfect routine for my body and my chaotic, unpredictable schedule. I have definition that I didn’t know I could have. My core is stronger, my posture has improved, and I am finally seeing results in my seat that I didn’t think were possible for me. I can now, only after HSM, do several sets of pushups and not on my knees! The progress is undeniable and I owe this all to the Liz, Clary and the entire incredible HSM Team.

This testimonial wouldn’t be complete, however, if I didn’t take time to mention the sense of community that HSM offers. It may sound cliché, but it is 100% true. The trainers are all unbelievably knowledgeable, motivating, and welcoming. The workout is indisputably HARD but the trainers are so encouraging and the clientele is supportive. Frankly, I never thought that a room of 30+ successful women could be so energetic and supportive – HSM disproves all of that.

I consistently encourage my friends who do not already rely on HSM to give the workout a try. I even solicit my male friends to step into the studio – thus far, I’ve had success with one and he was drenched in sweat and shaking by the end of warm-up! My sister, who lives outside of Washington, DC, also relied exclusively on the HSM videos to get in perfect shape for her June 2015 wedding!

Hilliard Studio Method is incomparable to any other workout I have ever done! I always leave the studio stronger in both body and mind than when I entered. The women (and men!) of Charlotte are lucky to have Liz, Clary and the entire HSM Team. Thank you, thank you!

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