
Hilliard Studio Method

I have been “”working out “ since I was 4 years old when my parents signed me up for the swim team. I won the six and under division that summer and was hooked on competition. I played every sport I could from junior high through high school. On the weekends, I would beg my Mom to take me to her high-impact aerobics classes. After all, it was the 80’s! So, for a graduation present, when all my other friends were getting David Yurman bracelets, I got a fancy treadmill, and it was the greatest gift I could imagine. I still have that treadmill and use it occasionally on rainy days.

Once I went to college, I started running because it was a fast and effective workout. The same held true through all three of my pregnancies. Injuries would come along frequently mainly because I have one leg slightly longer than the other which changes my running stride. I would push through the pain until I got a horrible case of plantar fasciitis which put me in a boot and at a complete stop for 1.5 years. Fearing that I would never run or feel that crazy runners high again, I started looking for other ways to find that same burn. I tried several barre classes around town and while I really like the workout, I left feeling I needed to go on a jog after class to really finish my workout…but of course I couldn’t due to injuries.

Three years ago, I started hearing more of my close friends insisting that I try Hilliard Studio Method, saying It would be the hardest workout I’ve ever done. I didn’t really believe them but I had nothing to lose since I was in my first workout rut in 30 years. Last spring, I decided to take my first class with Liz. I was hoping to just sneak in, hide in the back of the studio and see what all the buzz was about. However, hiding is not an easy task at Hilliard because the staff goes out of their way to introduce you to everyone and make you feel so welcome. Ten minutes into class I was already impressed. No wonder these people have great biceps. I had never done arm weights this long and so consecutively in my life. The 60 minute heavy weight core combination routine was a winner in my book. I left feeling like I had run 6 miles at a 7 minute pace. Best of all, I left injury free.

This Fall, I decided to sign up for the HSM Challenge since turning 40 was right around the corner. Once again, I thought this would be easy since I don’t even care for sweets and always reach for the salty snacks. When I saw that diet coke was on the list of “NO items” I almost quit. At the time, I was probably drinking four or five diet sodas a day. However, Lindsay and the whole team turned me on to Kombucha. I had never tried it but I am so thankful I have finally found something to quench my thirst which is actually healthy. At the end of the 53 day challenge, I truly felt the strongest I ever have, especially in my upper body. Thanks to Hilliard Studio Method I do not feel even the slightest bit “over the hill!”

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