
Hilliard Studio Method


My dad taught me at a young age the importance of daily exercise. For as long as I can remember, I have had some sort of daily activity/exercise. It wasn’t until after I had my first baby, though, that I realized I needed to kick things into high gear to lose the baby weight. After a friend suggested I try Hilliard, I reluctantly gave it a shot— I was nervous to try something new. I still remember my first class. Clary, a familiar face from high school, was teaching the class and could not have been friendlier. She immediately calmed my nerves and told me to feel free to pike when I needed a break. I had no idea what “pike” meant but quickly picked up on it and took way too many pikes that first class! But, I was hooked.

Fast forward to two years and another baby later, I had more baby weight to lose. I injured my hip running after my second little boy was born and it was a hard time for me. I went to multiple doctors looking for answers and healing, and left every doctor more confused about my injury. I knew I had a weak core postpartum and was in terrible pain, but could not find a solution. I took a break from exercise for 6 months, saw a physical therapist twice a week, and also tried a chiropractor, acupuncture and deep tissue massage. After six months, I had no improvement in my hip and was feeling pretty low. I missed exercise, missed the way it made me look and feel, and missed the stress release.

I decided to deal with the pain and go back to Hilliard in spite of my hip injury. I was shocked when not only did HSM not hurt my hip, it actually made it feel better. My core was getting stronger, and my hip was healing! I had turned to every doctor under the sun when the solution was right there. The trainers listened to me and helped me ease back in safely and effectively.

Now that I am back on track with my hip, I have made Hilliard a priority. As a mom of two little children, I don’t have much time to myself and am in a season of life of having to be pretty selfless. I do not ever feel guilty about taking time for a Hilliard class, though. Walking into the studio just makes me happy. I am stronger and more toned than I’ve ever been, and the classes carry over into all aspects of my life- from my posture to my eating habits. The trainers greet me by name and are truly excited to see me walk in the door. Hilliard is something I do for myself, but my whole family reaps the benefits, I leave feeling inspired and empowered, and it makes me a better wife and mom.

I look back at that first class and laugh. I can’t believe I was ever nervous to come into this supportive place. I can’t believe how much stronger I am now. I also can’t believe the classes are still so hard— but they are! Hundreds of classes later, I am so much stronger but the moves still make my head spin and my legs shake like crazy. I love it.

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